Hey there, I’m Dom! I’m a marketing professional who’s been working on cardistry for the last 12 years. With roots in compact packet cutting, I almost always find myself exploring two handed cuts. Aside from releasing the cardistry DVD “RGB” in 2014, I ended top 5 in the 2020 Fontaine Trials competition. It’s been rewarding to create my own content and engage with the community, and I’d encourage everybody else to do the same.

With experience in business marketing and creative avenues such as design and animation, I’m very excited to collaborate with my two lifelong friends and start building the best cardistry brand in the Midwest, SquareUP.


Hey, I’m Conor. I began cardistry around 12 years ago after picking up a copy of Dan and Dave’s The Trilogy – like many others. Over the years my love of cardistry expanded to fill other interests such as graphic design, video editing, photography and music. Additionally, I enjoy reading and exercising, and I’m currently studying molecular ecology in a graduate program at Michigan State University. 


Connecting with cardists across the world has significantly influenced my passion for the art form and personal growth. With such support and love from other cardists, it’s long been a dream of mine to create a cardistry brand and push our potential within this incredible community.


Hey, I’m Max! 11 years ago I started doing cardistry, right after I saw Dom & Conor’s first video. Growing up, you would constantly find me practicing card magic, solving Rubik’s cubes, bowling… anything muscle memory related. Today, you can find me at the gym, making music for fun and for our cardistry videos, and making packet cuts that incorporate single cards.

Finally launching SquareUP with two of my closest, oldest friends is a dream come true! While I currently work in movement disorders research, my future plans include pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and, of course, a lot more cardistry.